Wednesday 8 June 2022

A Door in the Mountains Elandsberg Water Seepage Tunnel

                                        A Door in the Mountains

Elandsberg Water Seepage Tunnel

The structure was completed on the 6th August 1991 and is a true replica of the unique underground tunnel that delivers pure drinking water to the community.

The first phase of 86 meters was built during 1910 and was lengthened by 66 meters during 1941. It was built using mainly manual labour.

The antique crane was used to remove excess material from the excavation site. The seepage tunnel was excavated under the riverbed and the water level there is approximately 4 to 4.8 meters under the surface of the ground.



Sunday 5 June 2022

1939 The Apostle Battery Bomb Shelters and Tunnels

1939 The Apostle Battery Bomb Shelters and Tunnels

Discover the hidden secrets under and above an abandoned WWII Military Base in Llandudno.
The Year 1942 and the Cape is under enemy attack by lurking German U Boats. A network of Big Guns, Underground Operation Rooms, SSS Radar Stations and Ammunition magazines have been built to defend the Cape.
Allow 1,5 hours for this exclusive private or scheduled Tour that will leave you blasted by the past.
Please bring a small handheld torch and a sense for adventure.
Due to the underground nature this tunnel complex has accessibility limitations making them unsuitable for people with disabilities.
Bookings must be made well in advance and there are no ‘pay at the door’ facilities. No casual visitors will be allowed.

The Apostle Battery was built as one of a string of similar structures that was constructed as, or adapted for defense of the Cape from attack by sea during WWII. The defensive line extended from Saldanha in the north to Betty’s Bay in the east, and comprised a combination of gun batteries and radar stations. A concentration of these features was clustered in and around Cape Town. Construction of the earliest features of Apostle Battery began in November 1939, with the erection of some of the buildings, including sleeping quarters, and two of the 9.2-inch gun emplacements. From October 1940, the site was manned, and, until 4 December, coast and anti-aircraft training for recruits was conducted at the battery. From December, the personnel were transferred to the Docks Battery, the training center stopped functioning, and the battery fell to the management of the Care and Maintenance division. In 1941, the battery was re manned, and new guns were installed, after the Government of the Union of South Africa acquired erven 1434, 1432 and portion 1 of Cape Farm 902. Two 6-inch MK XIX field guns were mounted as counter bombardment measures, and in August of 1942, a 9.2-inch MK field gun was moved to the battery from Lion Battery. In October 1943, the installation of a 9.2-inch MK X (No. 2 gun) rendered the 6-inch guns obsolete, and they were removed. By December 1943, all guns were managed by Care and Maintenance, and the Battery was unmanned and no longer operational. In January 1944, Fortress instruments were installed at the Battery, although these were never used. The Lion Battery gun was replaced with another 9.2-inch gun in late 1944, but the battery was closed on 17 December 1944, and care of the site fell to the Care and Maintenance division. A final, third MK gun was installed higher up the slopes in 1945, after the British Ports Defense Committee resolved that 9.2-inch and 6-inch batteries should have at least three guns. A significant feature of the military history of the site is the involvement of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Services (WAAS) with training there. Artillery Specialists WAAS arrived at Apostle Battery in September 1942, after receiving training at Simons town. They were initially trained as range-takers for the gun batteries, and despite initial skepticism at their ability to do the work, their training later expanded to include signaling, close defense work, searchlight operation and radar. Women were on site until late September 1945, by which time all had been moved to other units, or had left the service. The women’s barracks were demolished after a mountain fire, and the demolished foundations remain visible. 

The Underground bomb proof shelters and Tunnels are of remarkable engineering and create an puzzling Underground Maze.

Thursday 2 June 2022

The 1900 Welvergenoegt Tin Mine Durbanville Hills


The 1900 Welvergenoegt Tin Mine Durbanville Hills

The cassiterite occurs in nearly horizontal quartz veinlets, in a zone about 8 metres wide with a north-south orientation, in Malmesbury Group shales. The veins consist of coarsely crystallised quartz with dark reddish-brown, cassiterite crystals, mostly near the margins of the veins. Accessory minerals are tourmaline, pyrite, arsenopyrite and rutile. No more than about 4 tonnes of tin concentrate were produced between 1911 and 1912.

An old photograph of the mine in its heyday shows a large and sturdy three-legged hoist towering above a group of miners at the shaft. Nearby stood a tall steam boiler, and rail tracks had been laid out for cocopans.  Unfortunately, the ore was erratically scattered in solid rock, and it was cheaper to mine alluvial tin in the Durbanville area.  The mine ceased operations during the 1st World War after producing some four tons of ore concentrates.

Comment: Very nice Mineshafts. Horizontal and vertical shafts. Suitable only for the real Caving Guys. Maximum 4 persons. Keep an eye out for the resident Badger.

Cape Caves Galore.


Cape Caves Galore.

Important note Although the Cape is rich in natural beauty, tourists and locals are urged to take necessary precautions when exploring secluded areas, as crimes and accidents do happen.

Those venturing into the Table Mountain National Park should have the following emergency numbers on hand: 086 110 6417/ 107 or 021 480 7700. Criminal incidents should be reported to the nearest police station as soon as able.

We also recommend @safetymountain as a useful resource for hikers. This free safety tracking service allows you to notify local trackers of your contact details, intended route and travel time via whatsapp. You are then able to provide hourly updates on your progress, and to notify trackers when you are safely off the mountain.

1. Boomslang Cave

Found above Kalk Bay, Boomslang Cave is particularly good for less-experienced cave explorers and hikers. This moderate two-hour hike offers the chance to test yourself with some novice caving, as it leads through the belly of the mountain for about 100 metres, or so.

Why we love it For the amazing views – including of the colourful Kalk Bay harbour below – and the wonderful scenery and vegetation, such as the beautiful Echo Valley.
What lies within Many bats call this cave home – so please help protect these little guys by keeping the sound and disturbance level to a minimum. Near its entrance, you’ll find another smaller cave, White Dome Grotto; while inside, you will discover a labyrinth of tunnels.
Good to know Pack a flashlight or headlamp (and long pants too, if you don’t want to get wet or dirty) – or you won’t be able to venture beyond the cave mouth safely. If you’re claustrophobic, maybe give this a miss, as leopard crawling is necessary to reach the other side. It can get rather wet during the rainy months, so it’s a good one to save for spring or summer.
Getting there Climb up Boyes Drive until you reach a sign indicating Echo Valley and follow the trail until you reach the vast crack and Boomslang Cave entrance. Alternatively, you can hike up through Silvermine Nature Reserve, from Ou Kaapse Weg side.

2. Klipgat Cave, Gansbaai

A mere three kilometres from the idyllic De Kelders fishing village is the Walker Bay Nature Reserve, home to Klipgat Cave and its limestone windows looking out onto the ocean. The cave reached cultural, historical and world heritage significance due to the 1992 excavation, which revealed stone tools and human bones dating back some 70 000 years.

Why we love it It is one of the best whale-watching spots in the Cape.
What lies within Klipgat Cave has two chambers: the first has a rugged rocky surface and leads to the sea; the second is a small entryway that leads to the main cave excavation site and has a circular boardwalk going around the historical site.
Good to know It’s best to go at low-tide. Bring good hiking shoes, as the cave can be slippery, and a warm jacket as it can get windy.
Getting there Head along the N2 towards Gansbaai. The 7km-long trail towards Klipgat Cave starts at Gansbaai Harbour and boasts lovely views of the ocean and the occasional fynbos. But if you don’t feel like the walk, simply drive to Walker Bay Nature Reserve via Hermanus and take the boardwalk down to the cave. There is still a bit of climbing before you reach the cave.

3. Waenhuiskrans Cave, Arniston

If you have pirate tendencies (and are seeking a place to bury treasure), this is the cave you’ve been looking for. It lies just off the sandy shoreline of Arniston, but explorers will need to wait for lowtide before making their way through the shallow water to the cave entrance (be careful as you navigate the slippery, seaweed-strewn rocks that lie beneath the water’s surface).

Why we love it The peaceful fishing village of Arniston has many attractions: turquoise waters, white-sand beaches, and a shipwreck-strewn coastline rich in history and heritage. But this hidden gem is its pride and joy. Light pours in through the entrance, creating a striking contrast between the dark interior and the vibrant ocean beyond. After you’ve taken a moment to marvel at nature’s craftsmanship (the cave was fashioned over the course of centuries by the movement of the tides), you can explore the many rockpools that lie scattered throughout.
What lies within All manner of sea dwellers have been carried in on the tides, and many of them have taken up residence within the cave rather than return to the open ocean. There’s a variety of rock-dwelling marine life, and one explorer even found an octopus.
Fun fact Waenhuiskrans means wagon house cliff, and arises from an old legend that the cave is big enough for an ox wagon to do a full turn inside.
Important note The cave can only be accessed during low tide. Do not even attempt the hike at any other time. It’s best if you don’t carry much with you, and you should bring shoes that are appropriate for traversing a slippery rock bed. Be sure to contact Cape Agulhas Tourism (028 424 2584 or 028 424 2883) for information on the tides.
Getting there As you enter Arniston, there’ll be a signpost pointing the way to the cave. Follow the road to a beachside parking lot, where you can leave your car. Follow the CapeNature signposts to Waenhuiskrans Nature Reserve, until you see a set of stone stairs leading down into the water. You can reach the smaller section of the cave from here, but once inside, you’ll need to crawl through a small opening at the back to access the larger cave.

4. Woodstock Cave

Easily discernible from De Waal Drive, this cave is impressive in its size, and forms a long horizontal crack in the Devil’s Peak mountainside. Access it via Tafelberg Road or Rhodes Memorial; both are moderate hikes and take roughly an hour (one-way).

Why we love it It is one of the largest caves on Table Mountain – 50 metres wide, and 15 metres deep. It allows for some fun cave exploration and, indeed, startlingly beautiful scenery and lovely flower-spotting on the way up.
What lies within Woodstock Cave bears graffiti, and during winter, 
a waterfall cascades from its upper lip. Sometimes, apparently, it is used for religious gatherings…
Good to know For safety, it’s best to hike here in a group (and leave valuables at home). Also, as you tread through the Cape terrain, be wary of snakes during the hotter months, and lace up with good hiking shoes.
Getting there If you choose Tafelberg Road, head past Table Mountain’s lower cable station until you reach a dirt road and a metal, pillared gate. From here, the hike zigzags up the slope. Otherwise, start at Rhodes Memorial parking lot and follow the path towards Kings Blockhouse. From there, continue along the path around the mountain towards Cape Town, until you pass a ravine and eventually reach the cave.

5. Peers Cave, Fish Hoek

Above the Fish Hoek dunes, you’ll find a great overhang of incredible rock faces, which forms part of Peers Cave. The hike up is easy (and roughly 20 minutes), but as you reach the top it becomes rockier and the path less defined. Once inside, hikers are protected from the north-easterly winds, so pack a picnic and enjoy the stunning view of Noordhoek and beyond, towards the dazzling sea.  

Why we love it for its fascinating history: it was named after Victor Peers who, with his son, excavated the cave in 1927 and found a roughly 13 000-year-old human skull.  
What lies within You might be able to find remnants of sea shells, as during excavations, shells were found deep in the cave that are usually only found 5km into the ocean.  
Good to know There have been reports of crimes and muggings at the marked parking spot and along the hike itself. Rather Park by the retirement home down the road, and pay the security guard to look after your car. Go in large groups to avoid being targeted and leave your valuables at home.
Getting there Drive towards Noordhoek over Ou Kaapse Weg (M64) from Cape Town. At Silvermine Road take a left towards the retirement homes and park there. Head back along Silvermine Road towards the marked parking spot, where you will find the start of the trail.

6. Stadsaal Caves, Cederberg

The Cederberg Wilderness is like something out of a dream world: a vast and haunting landscape, dotted with ancient rock formations that have borne silent witness to the movement of time. Stadsaal Caves, a series of caverns carved into the rock by thousands of years’ worth of wind erosion, was once a sacred landmark for the Bushmen who wandered these lands. It is also rumoured to have been a meeting ground for the leaders of the National Party, just before they came to power in the 1948 election. The latter is an unfortunate association, but the cave was here thousands of years before DF Malan and his crew tainted it, and it will be here for thousands more…

Why we love it These caves, together with other nearby landmarks such as the Wolfberg Arch and the Maltese Cross, may seem like the ruins of an ancient city built by giants. But they were forged entirely by nature. Standing within the caverns, you feel part of something sacred, and it’s no wonder the San people saw fit to leave their own legacy here in the form of decorative rock art.
What lies within Rock paintings believed to date back 1 000 years, depicting the elephants that once roamed the Cederberg. The paintings are well-preserved, thanks to the longevity of materials made from ochre rock, with which the Bushman used to paint.
Good to know The Cederberg Wilderness is a CapeNature reserve, so you’ll need a permit to enter. They can be purchased at Driehoek Farm, en route to the Cederberg, or from CapeNature (021 483 0190). Permits cost R70 (adults) and R40 (children).
Getting there Follow the N7 to Citrusdal. Continue following it north from Citrusdal, and take the Algeria turnoff to the right, onto a dirt road. Continue on to the Matjiesrivier Nature Reserve, where the caves are located around 5km from Algeria campsite. There is a gate barring the entrance to the caves, which can be unlocked with the combination attached to your CapeNature permit.

7. Tartarus Cave, Muizenberg

Feel like reliving your childhood, with a jump down the rabbit hole? That is what exploring Tartarus Cave feels like, but it isn’t for the faint of heart. Down a small hole in the ground lies roughly 50 metres of chambers, set into Silvermine’s mountainside. It’s an easy walk to the cave on a steep incline, so it is best enjoyed from September to December when it is mostly shaded and the flora and fauna are on full display.

Why we love it The trail to the cave is surrounded by gorgeous vegetation, and in whale season, the gentle giants can be spotted frolicking in the bay below.
What lies within a narrow underground passage, which leads to a large slippery-edged pit. Be careful, this is where the cave becomes dangerous.
Good to know It is advised to go in groups and not to venture too deep into Tartarus Cave, unless you are with someone who knows the cave well. Bring a flashlight or dare to find your courage in this unlikely place.
Getting there From Muizenberg, drive towards 110 Boyes Drive and park your car at the Bailey’s Kloof sign (it’s opposite the shark watcher’s post). There you will find a footpath, follow the jeep track passed the “Amphitheatre” stone beacon for about 30 minutes until you see a 1.5-metre hole in the ground. That is the start of Tartarus Cave.

8. Elands Bay Cave, Elands Bay

Baboon Point (Bobbejaanberg) is a popular local attraction – and with it, Elands Bay Cave. Declared a provincial heritage site in 2009, it is the only area along the entire West Coast to offer such a significant concentration of heritage resources, while Elands Bay Cave offers amazing Bushman rock art and similarly stunning scenic views.

Why we love it for the magnificent views. The promontory is also the only place between the Cape Peninsula and Orange River where the mountain comes down to meet the sea in such an impactful way.
What lies within beautiful rock paintings done by the Bushmen thousands of years ago. You will discover a multitude of tiny handprints and a few human figures, too.
Good to know Keep an eye out for snakes during the warmer months.
Getting there Drive past the crayfish factory and head around the point until you pass three dilapidated former WWII buildings and a gravel road. Drive as far as you can and then walk the rest of the way to the cave.







Feeling adventurous? Wanna experience something unique and daring? This event will be a good place to start.

The cave is about 200m of winding darkness featuring the craziest rock formations and home to hundreds of bats. There is an entry and exit point on the other side so you'll literally go through the mountain. It really feels like another world. Surprisingly people are really comfortable when in the heart of the cave that reaches about 40 meters in height. The kids always have the best time though :)


Date: tbc

Meet up time: tbc

Distance: +-5km

Duration: Approximately 3/4 hours depending on group progression!

Difficulty level: Entry level distance, relatively steep and gets technical when entering the cave (20m crawl) and the descent after exiting the Cave is steep at times as well. Note that there are bats in the cave but do not attack humans.

What to bring: Comfortable clothing, preferably something to cover your knees for the crawl, sufficient water, a snack, a TORCH (preferably a headlamp) and a winning mindset.

Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from moving forward and experiencing something phenomenal. 

What's included: Guided route, medical practitioner, social gain opportunity, safety in numbers aspect.

Cost: please enquire

Bookings/enquiries - email Contact number: +27824824006

We've had 100% Satisfaction from attendees at past events of this nature.

If you're unsure of your capabilities, give us a shout and we'll advise.

Meeting point: Echo Valley, Boyes Drive, Just around the corner from the Robots at Kalky's Fish and Chips.

Google maps

NB. This event has been organised to give you an opportunity to become more active with likeminded people and share memorable experiences. Understand that we will guide you but taking part will be at your own risk.